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Dr. Mike and San Bushman Chief Bobo.

Lorens jackhammering a hole for the tetherball pole at the Kalahari School.  Only Lorens could find a jackhammer in the middle of the desert.



Every year we make a trip to Namibia with several teenagers and an adult or two.  The kids do an awesome job playing with the kids and helping with whatever needs doing.  And of course none of this would be possible without the monetary support from very generous people.





Dr. Mike is a hospitalist at United Hospital in St. Paul, MN.  He started Bridging the Gap 20+ years ago to provide medical help to people in Nigeria.  He has since travelled to several African countries for medical missions trips.  At this time, the focus is on Namibia.  He is married to his wife LeAnne and has a son, Jon, and daughter, Katie.  They live in Wisconsin with an unknown number of sheep and two dogs.




Lorens is the Bridging the Gap representative in Namibia.  Nothing would get done without him.  He's a pastor, a mechanic and a get-it-done man.  He translates for us, figures out how to get where we need to go, keeps the van running after many hours long trips over gravel roads, and most importantly, keeps Mike out of trouble!  He lives with his family in Swakopmund, Namibia.

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